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Dyes are coloured, ionising and aromatic organic compounds which shows an affinity towards the substrate to which it is being applied. It is generally applied in a solution that is aqueous. Dyes may also require a mordant to better the fastness of the dye on the material on which it is applied.

At the very basic level the use of colour in identifying individual components of tissue sections can be accomplished primarily with dyes. Although there are other means, Dyes are however, the largest group that can easily be manipulate to our liking. Dyes are applied to numerous substrates for example to textiles, leather, plastic, paper etc. in liquid form. One characteristic of dye is that the dyes must get completely or atleast partially soluble in which it is being put to. The rule that we apply to other chemicals is similarly applicable to dyes also. For example certain kind of dyes can be toxic, carcinogenic or mutagenic and can pose as a hazard to health.


History of Dyes
The preparation and application of dyestuffs is one of the oldest forms of human activities. Evidences of which were found by Excavation at archeological sites where ancient fabrics were unearthed. There is also mention of it in the Bible and other works of classical antiquity. It was in 2600 BC when earliest written records of the use of dyestuffs were found in China.

Perhaps one of the real breakthroughs in the history of dyes came in 1856 when a teenager who was experimenting at his makeshift laboratory in home made a certain discovery that acted as a sort of launching pad for the modern chemicals industry.  

William Perkin an 18-year-old student was working on chemical synthesis of natural products. In a classic case of serendipity, the young William Perkin chanced upon his now famous 'Aniline Mauve' dye while he was attempting to synthesize quinine, the only cure for malaria. Perkin named his color Mauveine, after the French name of non-fast colour which was made of natural dyes. So "Mauve" (a basic dye) was the first synthetic dye stuff. Mauve was a derivative of coal tar. It was the first mass-produced dye, that was commercially available and the idea was born that a color could be made in the factory. It was indeed a revolution

Mechanism of dyes
The color of a Dye is defined by he presence of a substance called Chromophore in the dyes. By definition dyes are basically aromatic compounds. Their structures have aryl rings that has delocalised electron systems. These structures are said to be responsible for the absorption of electromagnetic radiation that has varying wavelengths, based upon the energy of the electron clouds.

It is actually because of this reason that chromophores do not make dyes coloured. Rather it makes the dyes proficient in their ability to absorb radiation. Chromophores acts by making energy changes in the delocalised electron cloud of the dye. This alteration invariably results in the compound absorbing radiation within the visible range of colours and not outside it. Human eyes detects this absorption, and responds to the colours.

Another possibility is that if the electrons are removed from the electron cloud, it may result in loss of colour. Removing electrons may cause the rest of the electrons to revert to the local orbits. A very good example is the Schiff's reagent. As sulphurous acid reacts with pararosanilin, what happens is that a sulphonic group attaches itself to the compound's central carbon atom. This hampers the conjugated double bond system of the quinoid ring, and causes the electrons to become localised. As a consequence the ring ceases to be a chromophore. As a result, the dye becomes colourless.
To conclude chromophores are the atomic configurations which has delocalised electrons. Generally they are represented as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur. They can have alternate single and double bonds.

Mechanism of color changing of the dyes

 Color of the dye are altered by the Colour modifiers like methyl or ethyl groups can actually alter the colour of dyes. They do so by altering the energy in the delocalised electrons. It has been found that by addition of a particular modifier there is a progressive alteration of colour. An example can be given for methyl violet series.
Color modifiers effects the colors as followong:

Step A:
When no methylgroup is added the original dye Pararosanil as it is called is red in colour.

Step B:
As Four Methyl groups are added the reddish purple dye Methyl Violet is got

Step C: With the addition of more groups a purple blue dye Crystal Violet is obtained. It has in it six such groups.

Step D: Further addition of a seventh methyl group the dye that is got is called Methyl green.

Classification of Dyes

Dyes can be classified in many ways. It should be noted that each class of dye has a very unique chemistry, structure and particular way of bonding. While some dyes can react chemically with the substrates forming strong bonds in the process, others can be held by physical forces. Some of the prominent ways of classification is given hereunder.
  • Organic/Inorganic
  • Natural/Synthetic
  • By area and method of application
  • Chemical classification- Based on the nature of their respective chromophores.
  • By nature of the Electronic Excitation(i.e, energy transfer colorants, absorption colorants and fluorescent colorants).
  • According to the dyeing methods
    • Anionic(for Protein fibre)
    • Direct(Cellulose)
    • Disperse(Polyamide fibres)
  • However the most popular classification is the one that is advocated by the US International Trade Commission. This system classifies dyes into 12 types.
Group Application
Direct Cotton, cellulosic and blended fibres
Vat dyes Cotton, cellulosic and blended fibres
Sulphur Cotton, cellulosic fibre
Organic pigments Cotton, cellulosic, blended fabric, paper
Reactive Cellulosic fibre and fabric
Disperse dyes Synthetic fibres
Acid Dyes Wool, silk, paper, synthetic fibres, leather
Azoic Printing Inks and Pigments
Basic Silk, wool, cotton